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  • Aman Sri


The Ukrainian conflict resulted in the loss of a valuable S-400 Triumf air defense system from the Russian military. This marks the initial acknowledged instance of Russia's cutting-edge air defense system being compromised.

Renowned as a top-tier air defense system globally, capable of confronting the F-35 Lighting II stealth fighter jet head-on, the S-400 undeniably possesses remarkable defensive capabilities. Nevertheless, doubts persist regarding its current level of effectiveness.

Ukraine scores the first S-400 kill

Destroyed in November, the weapon system was initially believed to be an S-300 (an older version of the S-400). But better footage from the ground has relieved that, in fact, the destroyed air defense system is the more modern version.

Footage from Ukraine visually verifies the loss of one S-400 Triumf air defense battery. The loss concerns a 5P85SM2-01 Transporter erector launcher (TEL) with 5V55R missiles. The action took place near the village of Ilyino in the Zaporizhzhia province in the south, but it is still unclear how the Ukrainians destroyed the S-400 Triumf.

The S-400 Triumf has the ability to engage a wide range of different air threats up to a range of approximately 250 miles. Moreover, the air defense weapon can fire a wide range of missiles tailored for different roles.

In a lot of ways, the S-400 Triumf is an updated version of the older S-300 air defense weapon. The two anti-aircraft missile systems share a lot of hardware, but the S-400 Triumf has a more modern radar system, improved software, as well as the ability to fire newer, more advanced missiles that can reach targets farther off. Moreover, the S-400 Triumf is equipped with electronic warfare countermeasures, such as beam-steering for better target acquisition and tracking radio frequency-hopping to counter radar jamming.

In addition, the loss of the S-400 Triumf (also known as the SA-21 Growler in NATO parlance) is a blow to the image of the weapon system. Moscow and the Russian defense and aerospace industry have touted the S-400 Triumf as one of the most capable air defense systems out there.

India and the S-400

India's decision to procure the S-400 air defense system from Russia was based on its need to bolster its aerial defenses against evolving regional security challenges. The S-400, renowned for its advanced capabilities, offered India an opportunity to enhance its military preparedness and protect its airspace from potential threats. With the deal already confirmed and the first batch of S-400 systems received, India now faces a unique position amidst the destruction of the S-400 in Ukraine and must adapt accordingly, But the Indian government seems confident in the S-400's capabilities and it's purchase.

BY Aman Sribrahma



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